A dilemma that I face as a reviewer sometimes is that I'll receive some exquisitely beautiful flower, but it won't be what the label says. We love DC recreational (i-71) storefront, Top Level DC, and we know that in the hustle and bustle of the daily grind things can get a bit hectic. We also recognize that sometimes things get mixed up after harvest and end up labelled incorrectly. In this case, although it's labelled as Pink Lemonade, I have to say that this is most definitely Tropicana Cookies.

Having grown both strains this is apparent to me from the aroma alone, but the appearance is also a decent indicator. The heavy, majority purple buds have little to no green outside of some sugar leaves with this sample. In contrast Pink Lemonade will typically have purplish pink on the interior of the bracts in areas, but is still vastly green. Note, however, that some Pink Lemonade pheno's have also been mega purple, and to this I say look at the structure of the buds. As an indica dominant hybrid, Pink Lemonade grows to be much more dense, rounded, and rotund while the Tropicana will be more fluffy, elongated, and pointy.

Back to the amazing aroma...it is super citrusy like an orange or tangerine soda versus sour with berry elements like actual pink lemonade. This may sound a little silly, but once you get to the upper echelons of fine exotic cannabis these are the kind of olfactory comparisons that get made - especially when aromas are so strikingly close to the flavor profiles of their eponymous objects. Suffice it to say the obvious citrus essence gives this one's identity away almost immediately.

A cross of Girl Scout Cookies and Tangie that runs sativa dominant, Tropicana Cookies is one of my favorite sativa smokes. The effects of this batch are neatly in-line with my latest Tropicana experience, much to my enjoyment, with creative energy and a long lasting heady buzz. In the bong, prepare to experience a rush to your head, shoulders, and back amidst an exhale of skunky, funky, citrus clouds.

Whatever you want to call her, she's definitely some fire and one to pick up if you're looking for a great daytime option to add to your weekly supply. Head over to storefront Top Level DC quickly, grab some "Pink Lemonade" (aka Tropicana Cookies) for yourself, and don't forget to tell them Toker's Guide sent you!