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Orange Krush - The Bank (Beyond/Hello, VA Medical)

Writer: YoshiYoshi

Orange Krush is the perfect name for this strain from VA medical marijuana dispensary Beyond/Hello’s "Bank Gold Standard" collection. When you first crack open the sleek black and gold packaging you get hit right away with the strong scent of a fresh juicy orange. Once I smelled that strong citrusy aroma I knew I needed to try this strain for the first time out of a fresh clean bong to really get the full flavor profile of it.


The initial taste of the smoke is citrusy like it is on the nose. There's also this delightful lingering taste of passion fruit and papaya. I was surprised with how distinguishable the flavors were from the initial inhale to the aftertaste, but it was a pleasant surprise.


This Hybrid tested at 15.92% THC and is great to smoke anytime. It didn’t make me overly energetic, but I got a nice reviving feeling from it, similar to how your eyes become finally “awake” after those first few sips of coffee first thing in the morning. Shortly after finishing my sesh though I felt a little more sleepy-eyed with a strong sense of relaxation in my body. It wasn't an overwhelming feeling of relaxation like I needed to go to bed, but more like having a beer to relax after a long day of work.


If you're looking for a nice even-keeled hybrid strain Orange Krush is a great choice. Just head on over to a Beyond/Hello dispensary for some of your own and don't forget to let them know you heard about it from Toker’s Guide!


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