Alien OG from DC i-71 storefront No Kids Allowed is an even hybrid cross (50/50) between Tahoe OG and Alien Kush. A strong incense-like aroma announces itself as soon as the package is opened. Reminiscent of sandalwood or Nag Champa, the myrcene here is prominent. Also notable is the limonene presence, making it a welcome addition to the ever-expanding OG family's lemon-pine palate.

The earthy aromatics make for a grounding experience; she’s not overwhelming to the senses and the stone is palpable, but not immobilizing. From head to toe, this is a well-balanced high. The velvety smoke is lung-expanding and the effects are long-lasting and intensify over time; when you think you’ve peaked, you haven’t yet.

If you’re looking to get “loose” and enter an altered state, let Alien OG abduct you and take you across the universe. Off the first rip, she’ll leave you feeling heavy-bodied, gravity seeming like it's been amplified. You might experience a change in cognition with thoughts rapid-firing, flashes in your peripheral, colors enhancing and time moving more slowly.

For accompaniment on a meditative task or to make your weekly grocery trip feel like an out-of-this-world Sims game, this is the golden ticket. You might find yourself a bit graceless, fumbling about, but isn’t that part of the fun?

In structure and appearance, these Alien OG buds present themselves in round, nugget-like clusters. They're nearly "extraterrestrial green", adorned with thin, wiry bronze hairs and coated with white trichs so icy they give off a cosmic glimmer. To encounter some for yourself beam to DC storefront No Kids Allowed ASAP and I’ll see you in outer space!
PS: Don't forget to tell them Toker's Guide sent you!